Valuable Legal Guidance In Resolving And Avoiding Design Liability Claims
Whether you are a construction manager, engineer or architect working on a project, the construction industry provides multiple opportunities to incur liability for damages related to your work. Working with an experienced design liability attorney can help protect you against disputes in the future.
At May Brock Law Group, we will give you legal advice and guidance to make educated decisions in your practice, whether to avoid or resolve problems. Our experienced attorneys have a civil engineering, design and construction law background. You can trust our unique understanding of the behind-the-scenes work of the industry. We use this valuable experience combined with our legal knowledge to provide a legal advantage to help you work through disputes.
Educating Our Clients About Professional Design Liability
Whether you are just starting your practice as an engineer or an architect or are just now getting involved in the legal side of design, construction management, and construction, our team at May Brock Law Group will be able to educate you on how to avoid design disputes, what the legal ramifications could be and who would be responsible in any specific situations.
Whether you have just started or have been in the industry for decades, legal guidance and education are valuable tools that can help you throughout the lifecycle of your professional journey. At May Brock Law Group, we believe that the best way to prevent design liability disputes is to educate our clients on the legal issues they may face during all design and construction phases.
Our experienced attorneys can help explain how to avoid design disputes, the legal ramifications and who would hold responsibility in different situations. Our experience allows us to adapt our legal knowledge to the industry’s standpoint. We know what is at stake for you, so we have a unique understanding of why you need help protecting yourself from professional design liability claims.
Giving You Some Peace Of Mind
You should be able to focus on your work instead of worrying about legal obstacles. At May Brock Law Group, we can help give you peace of mind about the unforeseen or potential liability of your design or construction work so that you can focus on doing what you love. Contact us today to schedule a consultation by calling 702-960-1270 or completing our online contact form.